Sunday, February 1, 2009

Go Green

I am a big proponent of being green and doing your part to take care of the planet. I recycle, use fabric shopping bags, we have energy saving light bulbs, I have a battery free flashlight. I even downloaded an ink-saving font. I drive a diesel car (I know not the best but I am looking to go to biodiesel asap). I think that there are many, many things that we can reuse and we live in such a disposable economy. I am really excited about President Obama and his push for greener technologies.

I greatly applaud corporate responsibility. It is harder and harder these days to find a corporation that cares about the actual product that it is making and not just the almighty dollar it can provide. That being said here is a shout-out to a company that is taking being green to the next level.....


Stephanie said...

dude, that was SO gross hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Okay, so how long before they'll actually be on the market??!! How those actors could make it through the skit without ... well, they didn't show any outtakes...