Thursday, February 26, 2009

A true American Hero

My wife and her family have this running joke about the blighted neighborhood of her youth. She grew up in a suburb of Ann Arbor, Michigan. I grew up outside of Flint, Michigan (although it was a pretty nice small town, I will admit). So here she is with her blighted youth and tales of woe.

So last night she was telling me about a class she had in middle school where they got to do screen printing, block printing and design and create packaging for their own made up products. She was saying , "You would have loved that class!" Oh, the blight, I have to give her credit for being able to get through that and still make something of herself. How dare they subject kids to such things....

I think my favorite story is how her elementary Principal used to get up on the roof of the school and throw candy down to them. oh, the humanity!

Anyway this is a small tribute to kids who have had a rough go of it, keep the faith - things can turn around and just keep your nose to the grindstone, work hard and make the best of what you have!  By the way the singer featured here is Kay Pettigrew - Check her out here!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Respect for Louie

Sad News - In Memoriam -february 15, 2009

We regret to announce the unexpected passing of Louie Bellson on Feb 14, 2009.
Tenative plans are for an L.A. area funeral, followed by funeral and burial in Moline, Illinois, his boyhood home. Details forthcoming.

The Guestbook is now closed to new entries. Rather than write there, send your
Condolences and cards to:
Mrs. Louie Bellson
c/o Remo, Inc.
28101 Industry Drive
Valencia, CA 91355

Contributions in memory of Louie Bellson can be made to:
Emmanuel Baptist Church and mailed to Mrs. Bellson at the address above.

(text taken from Louie's website)

I was lucky enough to meet Louie a few times and to see him play in person.  Wow, what a great drummer and musician.  Louie, you will be missed!

Please enjoy this clip:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Attention shoppers - shameless post!

Calling all Amazon shoppers - (Spoiler alert - I am asking for favors!)

For those of you who enjoy doing a little Amazon shopping now and again, I ask a rather large favor.  This will involve adding an extra step to your online shopping experience but I can tell you it will be worth it in the long run.

At the bottom of this very blog there is a box entitled "Deals that make Matt money" and a link to the Amazon home page.  Now - here comes the favor.  If you are going to be doing any shopping on Amazon - PLEASE!!!!! - start it with clicking on that link.  This is shameless but I get paid through my web site here for referring you to Amazon.  I know, its bad but you can think of it as an altruistic act.  Your helping your fellow man, and you should feel plenty happy about that. 

So as I said earlier, I have potentially (hopefully) added an additional step to your online shopping experience but here is the reward.....  You get to visit my blog that much more!  

I told you it would pay off.  And for my part I will keep posting and writing about things that entertain, annoy, interest, bore me, whatever.  I hope you enjoy and keep reading and shopping!

Also - I get paid just when you click on my adds (by Google).  No need to do anything beyond that to help a brother out.

Told you this post was shameless.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Beck Puppet Show

Beck is another of my favorite artists.  He played at this years Bonnaroo festival.  They created this fantastic puppet show for the audience.  Great work Beck.

Radiohead marches to the beat of a USC drummer

I don't watch award shows. I am really not into them.  The idea of all of these celebrities kissing each others asses is just not my idea of an entertaining evening.  That being said, I am sorry I missed this live.  Radiohead, one of my favorite bands of all time played with the USC marching band. How cool is that?!? Enjoy the art that is radiohead and 15 step....

Sunday, February 8, 2009

"Who should I take?"

Those were the good old days, I would empty out all the cereal in the box just to get that sweet wacky-wall walker (that would never work and would inevitably loose its stickiness in a matter of hours) but man, free toy.

Anyway, enough nostalgia for the good old days before email registration and enrolling in the online clubs with all of your personal information just to get the new Miley Cyrus download. Enjoy a trip with a few friends.....

Besides, what is more bad-ass than riding on a boat in a tuxedo with T-Pain? Answer - Nothing.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Get on board

I don't know how I missed this one but I am glad that I stumbled upon it today. So for those of you not familiar with this blog please check it out, it is fantastic and hilarious!

Cake Wrecks

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Go Green

I am a big proponent of being green and doing your part to take care of the planet. I recycle, use fabric shopping bags, we have energy saving light bulbs, I have a battery free flashlight. I even downloaded an ink-saving font. I drive a diesel car (I know not the best but I am looking to go to biodiesel asap). I think that there are many, many things that we can reuse and we live in such a disposable economy. I am really excited about President Obama and his push for greener technologies.

I greatly applaud corporate responsibility. It is harder and harder these days to find a corporation that cares about the actual product that it is making and not just the almighty dollar it can provide. That being said here is a shout-out to a company that is taking being green to the next level.....