Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ode to the greatest picture on the internet

I believe that the title of this post says it all.  I mean really, what more can you say about this picture besides....greatest picture ever!

Guitar kid

The formula for Internet picture greatness is totally proven here:

  1. Lots of Booze
  2. Young and old in the picture
  3. Guy in background dropping trow (????)
  4. Shirtless chubby kid with bowl cut
  5. Shirtless chubby kid with bowl cut rocking out like there is no tomorrow

And that's about it (1+2+3+4+5= greatness)


Anonymous said...

Would you believe I don't get it??!
How do these 5 things qualify as offering greatness? Maybe "we" need to define greatness.
To me, for a photo to achieve greatness means that somewhere in it, a point is being made that has lasting value for living - or one that elicits positive thoughts - and/or brings out the best in us (which, yes, does include laughter - but laughter which isn't at the expense of anyone or anything).
Guess there are many things on which we don't agree, eh?!
Now, don't just shrug me off! Defend your belief to me with words!!

MattsRants said...

this might just be my next post - true comment greatness :) Love you mommy.