Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hair Cut Poll

ok, if you notice now to the right of this post is a poll. I need a haircut and I am pretty much ready to go back to the old self-cut buzz cut. It's cheaper (no cost at all) and the maintenance is a breeze. That being said I thought, what could be a better method of deciding something about my physical appearance than to let someone else decide.

So - I leave it to you, me readers (if in face there are any) to let me know. I will take action on your results this Friday. One way or another - I will post a picture of the new do.

for those of you with questions here are two photos with both hair "styles" shown. Thanks and I look forward to your decision.  

 I seem to be having techinical difficulties posting the pictures.........


abbysae said...

I'm not against the buzz cut but it seems with winter approaching, the buzz cut might make your head a bit more chilly.
Either way...

Anonymous said...

HEY! I'm waiting to see the photos of the haircut!! I voted for the buzz....

As far as being affected by wintertime - you wear a hat all the time anyway.