Saturday, December 27, 2008
Hardcore New Zealand
Check out Season 2 of Flight of the Conchords - it's on HBO but you can watch the first episode for free on Funny or Die here
Friday, December 26, 2008
Peace and Love, Peace and Love
That's right - I am MySpace friends with a Beatle. Am I awesome or what!!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Happy Holidays - traditions edition
I have to admit that it has been difficult getting into the holiday spirit this year. With all the things going on in our lives, school, travel, jobs, etc... I just got my shopping done yesterday and gifts wrapped this morning. Sara still needs to finish her shopping. I am going to get some decorations up today. We have a poinsettia but no tree (yet). This is our first Christmas without our extended families. It's tough but it's nice to just spend some time together, just the two of us. This is a great opportunity to create a new "family" tradition together.
Happy Holidays to all! May you have a great and peaceful time together with family, friends and loved ones.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Musical Table
Monday, December 15, 2008
hair cut part 2
stay tuned for more excitement.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Hair Cut Poll
So - I leave it to you, me readers (if in face there are any) to let me know. I will take action on your results this Friday. One way or another - I will post a picture of the new do.
for those of you with questions here are two photos with both hair "styles" shown. Thanks and I look forward to your decision.
It's always sunny
This has nothing to do with the actual show but it amuses me none the less. For those of you who have yet to witness the cunning brilliance that is It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia you have to check it out.
Its a bout a group of friends who own a bar in Philly and are just horrible people, horribly funny that is! The writing is great and hints of influence of Seinfeld and Arrested Development (the BEST show you never saw).
They are readying for Season 4 so you have some time to catch up on the shenanigans down at Paddy's Pub. Go to it.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Creativity in tough economic times
Monday, November 24, 2008
Happy Early Turkey Day
Thursday, November 20, 2008
All Time Favorite
By the way if you haven't checked out Hulu you are missing out big time. What a great site, TV, movies. Yea, its all there. I have recently gotten into It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, great show, hilarious! It seems like all the shows I actually like to watch are on Thursday nights (Office, 30 Rock, Sunny in Philly, Bruins games). A site like this saves my veritable TV watching bacon.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sick Days.....
On a similar note, my pup has learned that the Kleenex box is the best toy dispenser ever. She has totally destroyed my last two boxes of tissues (almost full at the time). There is absolutely no way to be mad at her because it is one of the funniest things you have ever seen. She just pulls them out one at a time. Too Funny.
Anyway, I am hopefully getting back on track here and with my health. And also:
Welcome Ella Mae Plachta. She is a Halloween baby. I got to meet her just 4 days old down in Austin, Texas. Adorable! She and her mommy and pappy are doing just great. So are her three dogs. Hi Nanners!!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The importance of just one Vote
Well for some reason my "embed this here" stuff didn't work so this was supposed to be the following:
(too bad I will be out of town on November 4th and have already voted)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
ghetto fab!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
1 word
Palin As President
(I will be checking this daily, its too much fun. Have fun exploring the "new" Oval Office) And yes, I realize that all of this together is more than one word......
Monday, October 13, 2008
play time
(Sorry - removed as the sound is just too anoying!!!)
Friday, October 10, 2008
Stop the train!!
My folks were just in town this last week and it was really great to see them and spend time together. As I grow older (and so do they) I relish our time more and more. It's always difficult to see them age but at the same time its rewarding to have an adult relationship with your folks.
I read something lately about writers and readers and how the more brutally honest a writer can be the more fulfilling it can be to the reader. Who knows if that is really the case or not but there seems to be some truth in that to me. I've had some extra time lately and have been using it to get healthy (after four years of traveling almost non-stop) and to spend time with my wife and puppy.
As time and life goes by, it really hits home to me about how important friends and family are; jobs, cars, apartments/homes, stuff comes and goes but family is forever.......
Enjoy the tune - Well done John!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Falling behind
It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid than to open it and remove all doubt. - Rami Belson
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Bring it on!!!
This is a classic. I remember what is was to have Quayle as VP - embarrassing! Even as a younger person I could see how this dude was not qualified and thank God nothing ever happened to Bush senior while in office. I am sure that the Democrats have had their share of questionable VP picks but this whole Sarah Palin thing is just beyond belief. Talk about pandering, shameless. I think the best part of this clip is that Bensten's comment seemed to have hurt Quayle's feelings, too funny! Any way, I for one will be glued to my television for the debate tonight. Biden is being put into a difficult position. Whatever approach he takes the Republicans can claim that he is beating up a poor defenseless woman. My issue is she shouldn't be a poor defenseless woman, she could be Vice President of the United States. She needs to be able to hold her own against anyone regardless of her gender. So that being said - Go get 'em Obama/Biden! And here is to a good, fair, honest debate on the issues.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Rain, Rain Go Away

Monday, September 22, 2008
Celebrate good times
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Hoodie Sweatshirt part 2
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Hoodie Sweatshirt
It's funny how you can feel certain ways about temperatures. I guess its just the memories and experiences we connect with them. For me fall is new starts; back to school, sports, spending time with friends, marching band and rocking the hoodie.
My pup managed to destroy my newest favorite hoodie so I am in search for a new, new favorite. It's got to be soft and just the right size and fit. Again, funny to feel certain things about certain collections of fabric.
There is a song that can somewhat portray my feelings........
(I am working on the link and will post asap, think of it as an old timey cliff hanger!)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Fitness Time

I think the neighbors are in for a real treat. The only good place I have to do some of these drills is in the courtyard at my apartment complex. I will just have to get some folks to join in. Maybe we can have our own little fitness challenge......
Monday, September 15, 2008
Happy Birthday

Saturday, September 13, 2008
America's Favorite Ball Park

Friday, September 12, 2008
Doggie Time!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Summer, Out!!!
- Time with the puppy! We finally got a dog this
summer, it has been a great and wonderful thing. We have spent many, many hours at the dog park and taking her for walks and adventures. She is a husky mix so we are really looking forward to her experiencing her "first" winter.
- Moving! We had to move out to have our apartment remodeled. We now reside in a "luxury apartment". Wow. It was a definite hastle, two weeks - we had to vacate. We packed up all of our earthly belongings into a POD and headed for Michigan for two weeks only to come back and unpack. It's not all bad, moving always helps you get rid of your crap and really get reorganized as you unpack and move back in.
We are still getting situated but it is a much better situation.
- Hockey!!! I have had much more time lately and have been able to skate frequently. I got on a goalie board online and was able to start subbing for teams and that eventually got me a spot on a team roster for the fall season. I attended my first goalie camp, super fun - learned allot. It's just good exercise and one of my true loves.
- Camping! We have gone for a few overnights here and there this summer, definitely not enough for my wife, the camping fiend :) But it has been fun and I think our pup really enjoys it as well. We went to a State Park on Cape Cod and one in Maine as well.
During our time back in Michigan we also got to see some Friends and family and that is always the best! Although we didn't take a big "summer vacation" this year we did pretty well with our numerous "stay-cations". I am looking forward to the fall, it is really my favorite time of year. Good time to bust out the hooded sweatshirts! (At least the ones that the puppy hasn't chewed up!)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
NHL is coming
And welcome, I will do much better at keeping up on this daily. It may or not be that interesting but I will do the best I can.